Breakfast, Food

3-Ingredient Pancakes

When Luca started solids (we did baby led weaning – more on our BLW journey soon!), I felt compelled to find healthy recipes that had minimal ingredients. I did A LOT of research prior to starting baby led weaning and am super passionate about giving kids a healthy start with food. It is recommended to limit salt and added sugars for the first two years of life and while I am a bit more lenient with the salt, I wanted to be strict with the added sugar.

This pancake recipe is super easy, contains ingredients you most likely already have on hand, has zero added sugar and they are delicious! The pancakes are great as is but I’ve started adding ground flax seed, cinnamon and peanut butter for extra nutritional value and flavor.

I’ll make a double batch of these every few days to have on hand for Luca’s breakfast, lunch and snacks. I also take them with me when we’re out in case he gets hungry. They are good warmed or cold or room temp! They are the perfect nutrient tense and easy food for an on the move babe!

3-Ingredient Pancakes
Makes 4 pancakes


  • 1 large egg
  • 1 banana
  • 3/4 cup organic rolled oats

Ground flax seed
Nut butter


  1. Whisk egg in a bowl
  2. Add banana and mash into egg
  3. Add 3/4 cup oats and mix thoroughly
  4. Add any additions (cinnamon, ground flax seed, etc.)
  5. Melt coconut oil (or extra virgin olive oil or butter) in a sauté pan or griddle over medium heat
  6. Scoop pancake mixture into pan – I do about 1/4 cup of batter per pancake but you can make them any size you want!
  7. Cook 2-3 minutes each side or until both sides are brown and crispy and the inside is cooked through
  8. Enjoy!

Let me know if you try them!

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