Five Favorites Friday, Lifestyle

Five Favorites Friday

It’s been a couple of weeks since I shared some favorites. This is such a fun way to reflect on the week! It’s even led me to recognize some not-so favorites as well which helped me make some positive changes. I encourage you to employ a similar week wrap-up, it’s definitely beneficial! Wishing y’all a great weekend and week ahead!

  1. Warby Parker. I’ve been ordering my glasses from Warby Parker for 7 years. But I’ve had this particular pair of glasses from them for 2 years. I love them so much, even if their prescription is a bit off. I finally decided I wanted to see as clearly with my glasses as I do with my contacts and I was planning on ordering the same exact pair from Warby Parker but to my dismay they don’t make them anymore. I did the home try-on and picked glasses that looked similar to my old ones and found the pair I liked best (actually a much different look for me!). I ordered the glasses the next day and received them in the mail 3 days later. The speed at which Warby Parker operates is Amazon level quick and amazing.
  2. My Kindle Paperwhite. I’ve mentioned before that I love to read. I’ve loved books all my life but the Kindle takes it to a whole other level. A entire library in the palm of your hand — what!? I still love physical books and will purchase paperbacks of any non-fiction, motivational, educational or parenting book that I’m interested in. But fiction (my true genre love) is perfect for the Kindle. I also have Kindle Unlimited and I’ve been very pleased with the selection thus far.
  3. Afternoon walks around our neighborhood. Since Luca’s transition to 1 nap, we’ve been doing our daily walk in late afternoon after he wakes up. The weather is typically at its warmest and we can do a long walk and really enjoying being outside. I love pointing things out to Luca on our path and hearing him repeat me as I call out trees or dogs or flowers is the most precious thing.
  4. Our Airfryer. Friday night is wing night at the Diehl’s and we wouldn’t have a wing night if it wasn’t for our airfryer. They cook perfectly — they’re crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside and are a much healthier option to frying in oil. Clean-up is quick and easy too!
  5. Snow. You’ll probably never hear this from me again but snow is making my favorite list this week. They were calling for snow to begin on Thursday since the beginning of the week. I assumed the storm would fizzle out and we wouldn’t see any snow but we did! It started around 4 yesterday and it was beautiful. Everything was still and quiet and the flakes were so fluffy and graceful — it was truly magical to watch. Luca hadn’t been out in the snow before, our last snow storm was when he was 2 months old and this mama was not taking him out in it. So I knew we had to have him play in it! My brother gifted him a Flyer’s snowsuit last Christmas that he never had the chance to wear and I bought him fox snow boots awhile ago — both things he’s almost too big for. So we layered on the snow outfit, watched him wobble around the house (the funniest, cutest thing) and brought him outback to enjoy the snow. He was unsure at first but started walking around and seemed to be having fun. It wasn’t until he face-planted and got a mouthful of snow that he had had enough. So while I’ve never been a huge fan of snow, watching my child and my puppy (of course the ice Queen loved it) play in it madefor one of those life moments when you’re fully in awe of the moment.
he looks so big!
loving the slide lately.
at the park!
cheesy face.
picked this jersey out of my closet and made me put it on him.
and immediately proceeded to hockey-fight it.
the hat kills me.
playing in the yard with “no-no.”
rain ready!
looking like he’s 16 and heading out on a date.
it’s snowing!
i am obsessed with him!
flyer’s snowsuit!
snow much fun.
ice-play is his favorite.
hammy ham.

Tell me your favorites from the week!

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